Bio: Gabby Tapia is a 5th-year PhD candidate in the English department. They are studying 19th-century British literature and ecocriticism, with specific interests in Romantic studies, Spinoza studies, transecology, and the philosophy of the transindividual. Their current DH project utilizes ArcGIS mapping software and the citizen science online platform iNaturalist to bring together poetry, archival data, and environmental observations to communicate the connection between English Romantic poet John Clare’s legacy and ecological conversation efforts happening in the bioregions of his hometown of Helpston today. Their interest in the work of Gilbert Simondon and his transindividual notion of mechanology informs their research and pedagogy which considers the reciprocal relations between humans, nature, and technology. Gabby is also a project assistant at the William Blake Archive. Fall 2023 cohort. (atapia3@ur.rochester.edu)