THATCamp 2018

THATCamp Rochester 2018, Memorial Art Gallery, March 23rd.

The Andrew D. Mellon Program is delighted to announce THATCamp Rochester 2018, a Digital Humanities “Unconference” created in partnership with The Digital Humanities and Social Sciences program at the  Rochester Institute of Technology and the Memorial Art Gallery.    THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp) is an event that embraces an informal, spontaneous, inclusive and participatory style, a unique approach that encourages group discussions, practical joint workshops and on-the-spot collaborative efforts in the digital humanities.

THATCamp Rochester 2018 will be held at the Memorial Art Gallery, March 23rd, from 9.00am to 5.00pm.  In keeping with the venue, participants are encouraged to (but not limited to) explore the role of material objects, archival materials and new and old media as experienced by scholars and the broader public.

Michael Phelps will give a keynote address at the University of Rochester on Thursday, March 22nd, at 5pm.  Phelps will discuss his work as the director of the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library (EMEL) and multi-spectral imaging project at St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai Peninsula.  Phelps will also be attending THATCamp as a participant and interlocutor.

To be a part of THATCamp, participants are encouraged to register here and to visit the THATCamp Rochester 2018 website for more information.

Location: Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave., Rochester NY 14607.
Time: 9am – 5pm.